Phone Strategies
To Discover What It Takes To Master Your Phone Skills And Continually Book Qualified Listing Appointments.
Read My Phone Story Below
Back in 1998, my real estate journey kicked off in the world of rentals. Initially assigned to the rental division alongside 20 other enthusiastic agents, I quickly realized that rentals didn't align with my ambitions for substantial rewards and significant commissions. I craved more than just a small, quick paycheck. Determined to take my career to new heights, I swiftly pivoted to a different department within the company—the commercial department.
My focus shifted to selling apartment buildings and mixed-use properties in the heart of Manhattan, a challenging but enticing target for a 24-year-old like myself. The training I received for this endeavor was refreshingly straightforward: "Take the owner's book—a hefty volume with over 3,000 pages, serving as the sole source for information about property owners in Manhattan—and call them to inquire if they were interested in selling their buildings or purchasing more properties." It was that simple—no lengthy roleplay sessions, no complex explanations. Just pick up the phone and start dialing.
However, here's the twist: my English proficiency was lacking at the time—I had a thick accent and a limited vocabulary. To overcome this hurdle, I approached the department's top producer and asked if I could sit beside him and listen to his phone calls to learn something. He graciously agreed, and for the next two weeks, I arrived early at 7 a.m. each day to mimic his behavior.
Sitting next to him, I diligently took notes and discovered that making these calls was more about how he spoke, his posture, his approach to the market, and his attitude than the words he used. This guy was a listing machine! Listing a property every week, each with a minimum listing price in the seven figures. Witnessing him play the game was an exhilarating experience.
For the next three months, I showed up every day at 7 a.m., thoroughly preparing myself for a busy day of phone calls. The secret? He remained glued to the phone throughout the day—it was all about consistent repetition. I marveled at how realizing this is a numbers game brought me as much joy as it did for him. Are you smiling?
So, armed with a script on a tiny fraction of a page, I made over 200 dials a day, resulting in more than 50 contacts daily. Within three months, my persistent efforts paid off, and I secured my first exclusive listing—a mixed-use property located on Third Ave and 35th Street in Manhattan.
The property consisted of a store with four apartments above it, and the owner, an elderly Chinese lady much like myself, spoke broken English. Surprisingly, we clicked right away. I discovered that finding common ground, building rapport, and establishing trust were crucial elements in successful connections.
On that very same day, I visited her and obtained the listing without encountering any objections. However, what astonished me was how swiftly my broker sold the listing. With just one phone call, the building was sold, never even hitting the market. It sold at full price, with a 60-day closing and an all-cash transaction. The experience left me exhilarated! I couldn't believe what had just transpired. Yet, deep down, I understood that making those consistent phone calls played a significant role in this success.
If I hadn't dedicated my time to making those calls day in and day out, if I hadn't prepared myself by 7 a.m. to be ready to dial by 7:30 or 7:45 a.m. every day, I would never have convinced the owner to meet me on the same day. This realization fueled my determination, and I continued to make calls, setting the stage for a relatively successful career in real estate sales. The takeaway? Consistent, early calls, and high numbers lead to success. This formula set the stage for my rewarding career in real estate. #PersistencePaysOff 🏡✨
Phone Strategies
Welcome to our two-day online training event, meticulously crafted to empower real estate professionals in mastering the art of effective communication. Whether it's daily phone calls, appointment bookings, negotiation tactics, objection handling, or connecting with past clients, this event covers it all. From calling for sale by owner leads, for rent by owner leads, to cold calling around listings and sold properties, reaching out to investors, builders, and making strategic phone calls—we've got you covered.
During this event, I'll be unveiling secrets and sharing tips on what truly matters when it comes to turning phone calls into qualified listing appointments. Learn how to approach each call with confidence and a strong posture, transforming routine conversations into impactful interactions. Get ready for an intense coaching event that will elevate your communication skills to new heights.
Before you dive in, take a moment to read the following notes for a seamless registration process. Let's embark on this journey together!
Please read this message before registering for this event.
"I don't believe in teaching theory; I teach from real experience. I'm a straightforward coach—I tell it like it is. This approach may not be for everyone, and that's okay".
According to NAR stats, 87% of real estate agents fail. Most fail because they seek comfort and aren't willing to leave their comfort zones to achieve their goals. If you're serious about your goals and dreams, and you're ready to elevate your phone skills to the next level, I highly recommend registering for this event.
Over two days, I'll open your eyes to what works for top producers—sharing techniques but focusing on revealing the mindset, approach, attitude, and posture that top producers embody daily. This event has the potential to transform your understanding of the real estate game.
I'll guide you on speeding up the learning process to become a phone master, provide homework assignments, and even offer the opportunity for coaching for those ready to make a commitment.
Who should register?
- If making phone calls makes you uncomfortable, this event is for you.
- If you're an experienced veteran looking to sharpen your skills, this event is for you.
- If you're a new licensee with big ambitions but seeking guidance, this event is for you.
- If you want more listings, this event is for you.
- If you want more price reductions on your listings, this event is for you.
- If you aim to dominate your market, this event is for you.
- If you have a thick skin, this event is for you.
- If you have thin skin but want to grow thicker, this event might be for you too.
Who should not register?
- If you're looking for shortcuts without doing the actual work, this event is not for you.
- If you're not a "phone person," this event is not for you.
- If you need to feel comfortable to take action, this is not for you.
- If you're looking for a "few magic words" to change your experience, this event is not for you.
- If you're lazy, wake up late, start working at 9 am or later, and are unwilling to change that behavior, this event is not for you.
I want to ensure you understand the mindset and attitude needed to win in this game. Making daily phone calls isn't for everyone, and thank goodness for that! This is a game-changer if you're willing to make the necessary changes, change your behavior, and mimic what works. If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, then do yourself a favor and register. I'm excited to work with anyone ready to go to the next level. As a dedicated coach, I give my all to those who give themselves to the process, do the hard work, and follow the plan. If you're ready for this journey, let's get you started, shall we?